Finished with a smile, and a fat plate of PAELLA!!!
Flight back from La Palma..4 hours was a flash as I reminisced with Jan and Vanessa beside about the race we had and yes everything that goes with it.
ANother TRANSVULCANIA come and gone. I love to sit and feel what went on in a week…once it is past..I find a story come together and a rather cool one each time.
This one I got to spend with a sister of friends my SIMONY ZITRONY…which makes the story even better!
Each time I am at an ultramarathon I come back with more…I feel richer..
I once again understand WHY I LOVE to do these crazy cool races. They test us in different ways and we are all here to take on that adventure.
Sometimes you can be not so ready and trained and pull off and excellent race and other times you are soooo ready, fit, trained and good to go and things don’t unfold as you imagined… for anything can arise. It’s all part of the beautiful package. I learn so much every time I do one. But the best thing I come back with is another experience, that fills me with joy..new friends…and moments to look back at and laugh on.
This week high lights - rock n roll time with sister Simone, a hard pre race fall that landed on my ribs and gave me some La Palma scars, Car dancing around the crazy curves of the Island roads, octopus indulgence, my daily high of passing by the Yellow T2 VW beauty van in Tazacorte…., picture posing like nuts, holding my mouth trying everything not to throw up on the BUS RIDE to FUCALIENTE race morning, unbelievable gusting winds waiting for start at the lighthouse early raceday, Mirador El Time shop with amazing people and awesome jewellery that I get sucked into, …these are just to name a few…
With a shivering chatter nearing the start, nauseated I forced down my breakfast ISALEAN SHAKE..that I knew I needed for my first few hours of power. Being here at 5:55am at the Start line in Fucaliente on 10.05.14 at the Southern tip of the Island of La Palma is a MOST AWESOME FEELING…as the energy of ‘THUNDERSTRUCK’ booms through the air…all cold and nausea washes away for moments of ‘I love this’ and dancing…a surge of energy and celebration takes over everybody…BRING IT ON BABY!!!
With a race that climbs for approx 50km…puts you right on in the beaming hot sun…and then after a pasta fill….sends you booming down a 20km technical, steep downhill..on the lava rock…
My nutrition is critical and my grounding is my ‘IONIX and ENERGENIX’ in regular doses - my electrolytes, minerals and adaptogens for steady energy …keeps me focused …
The downhill takes back down approx 2400m…back to sea level…and then YES….back up!
I felt so happy deep down, coming to the finish today..that was victory for me (as I was not sure if I would finish at the start) These last 5km…was a grind for me…so close to finish..but just one step after another and HEAD DOWN…Behind this though was joy..and yes definitely some swear words flying out…but once the top of the hill is reached the swearing stopped …1.5km stretch to the finish…as runners you always can find the juice..just enough..to sail through to a smile at the finish. I cannot be more grateful for the people that cheer us on this island..they pour there hearts out for the day to bring us through…little kids are enthralled at what they see…the people here are incredible…we are taken care of ‘Over the Top’ and this would not happen like it does..without all that…
Until next year TVC…xoxo